Kottamchukkadi Tailam Ingredients :
Kushtam (Saussurea oa)Rt.0.069g, Shundi (Zingiber Oarale)R0.0699, Vacha (Acorus Calamus) Rz 0 069g, Shgru Moringa Oleifera) St Bk0 .069g, Lashuna (Allium sativum) B0069, Kaanhorti (Hugonia Mystax) RIO 0699, Devadrumam Cedrus Deodara)HLWd0 .069g, Siddhartham (Bissaka Peiris) Sd 0.069g, Suvaha (Pluchea Lanceolata) RIO 0699 ce of Chincha (Tamarindus indicus) L[.15 000 ml, Dadhi (Curo) Sa 1000ml, and Thilajam (Sesame oil.10.000mi).
Tarak Joshi –
Good for pain and stiffness in muscles
Mansi Sinha –
good product
Ramesh jain –
Very efficient. However, we must use it for at least three days to notice a noticeable difference.
Very good ancient product by Birla Ayurveda. Their website is offering a 25% discount on everything, so go check it out.