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Therapy Training


Migraine headache is characterized as one of the most common primary headache disorder, where a person experiences a pulsatile throbbing sensation in the head on the unilateral side (only one side). There will be recurrent episodes of severe headache associated with visual or sensory symptoms (Aura).
About 15-17% of women and 5-7% of men are affected by this disorder. Though Migraine occurs in all age groups, it is highly prevalent in the age group of 18-45 years.

Therapy Training


Migraine headache is characterized as one of the most common primary headache disorder, where a person experiences a pulsatile throbbing sensation in the head on the unilateral side (only one side). There will be recurrent episodes of severe headache associated with visual or sensory symptoms (Aura).
About 15-17% of women and 5-7% of men are affected by this disorder. Though Migraine occurs in all age groups, it is highly prevalent in the age group of 18-45 years.

Ayurveda Therapies For Migraine


This is a unique therapy of Kerala, for mental relaxation & more
Duration: 75 minutes.


A long chef’s cap is fixed on the head for approx. 30 minutes.
Duration: 40 minutes.


A therapeutic treatment for the nose, throat, sinus, and head.
Duration: 30 minutes.


Therapists massage your head and the whole body with lukewarm ayurvedic oil.
Duration: 45 minutes.

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Ayurvedic View On Migraine:-

Migraine in Ayurveda is mentioned as Ardhavabedaka. Acharya Charaka explains it as a cutting and churning type of pain in the half part of the head, ears, eyes and forehead. He further explains that if this headache becomes severe, it may diminish the power of vision and hearing. Ardhavabedaka or Migraine is Tridoshaja (involvement of all the three Doshas).

If the disease is dominated by Vata Dosha, the patient may have dryness of skin, constipation and the pain is very acute.

If the disease is dominated by Pitta Dosha, the patient may feel redness and burning sensation in the eyes, hypersensitivity to light.

If the disease is dominated by Kapha Dosha, the patient may experience fatigue, depression, and headache with dull throbbing pain.

Main Causes Of Migraine:-
  • Frequent fasting.
  • Excessive intake of oily, spicy, and dry food items.
  • Irregular eating habits like long intervals between meals.
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol.
  • Mental factors such as Anxiety, Stress, Grief, and Depression.
  • External stimuli such as excessive noise, lights, etc.
  • Weak digestion is also a contributing factor which in turn increases Ama (undigested food) and also constipation.
  • Irregular sleeping habits

Complications Of Migraine:-

Migraine is more than a headache. People experience different complications associated with headache such as

  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Status Migrainosus ( Which lasts for longer than 72 hours and patient is usually hospitalized due to intense pain.
  • Migrainous Infraction (Migraine is associated with stroke. This is a migraine headache with an aura that lasts more than an hour and there may be bleeding in the brain.
  • Persistent Aura without Infarction.
  • Migralepsy (This is a condition where an epileptic seizure is triggered by a migraine. Typically the seizure will occur within an hour after a migraine).
  • Vertigo.

Differential Diagnosis:

  1. Sinus Headache: These headaches are characterized by congestion and a heavy dull feeling. Mostly seen during spring, when there is predominance of Kapha Dosha.
  2. Tension headaches: These are due to imbalance of Vata Dosha and the symptoms include sharp or fluctuating pain.

Treatments Done For Migraine Are As Follows:-


Duration: 45 minutes

This is quite essential Ayurveda therapy. Expert Birla Ayurveda therapists massage your head and the whole body with lukewarm ayurvedic oil.


Regular Abhyangam enhances proper blood circulation, increases immunity, improves complexion, and relaxes the mind.



Duration: 75 minutes

This is a unique therapy of Kerala, in which a steady stream of decoction or medicated oil is poured slowly onto the forehead in a specific pattern. Forty minutes of full body therapy is included in the process.


Very effective for mental relaxation, sleep disturbance, migraine, headache, hair problems and skin disorders


Duration: 40 minutes

A long chef’s cap is fixed on the head in which medicated luke warm oil is retained for a definite time for approx. 30 minutes.


This treatment is for visual problems, memory ailments, sleep disturbances, headaches


Duration: 30 minutes

A therapeutic treatment for the nose, throat, sinus and head. The face, shoulders and chest are massaged with specific herbal oil and made to perspire. The Herbal extracts/herbal oil in exact doze is measured and instilled into the nostrils, while inhaling.


This therapy cleanses, purifies and strengthens the nasal passages allowing you to breathe fully and easily again. This treatment is highly effective for headaches, sinusitis, migraine and rhinitis. Also helps in psychiatric diseases, it nourishes the brains, nourushes all parts above the shoulder level.


Duration: 45 minutes

Therapists massage your head and the whole body with lukewarm ayurvedic oil.

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