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Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Lung Cleansing

The lungs are two air-filled, spongy organs that are situated on either side of the chest (thorax). They are a component of the group of organs and tissues known as the respiratory system, which collaborates to provide the blood oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from it.

You can keep your lungs healthy by eating a balanced diet and drinking healthy tea. Some of the most prevalent lung illnesses include asthma, bronchiectasis, sarcoidosis, lung infection (pneumonia), and COPD. Birla Ayurveda provides the best Ayurvedic treatment for lung cleansing. 

Lung Cleansing with Birla Ayurveda

Ayurveda is a holistic science that seeks to preserve your health and keep toxins out of your body. People indulge in fast food and junk food in our fast-paced society and lead sedentary lifestyles. As a result, our bodies produce more Ama (toxins), which stop all of the organs and cells’ access to nutrition. It may not be important to pay attention to modest symptoms like a persistent cough, runny nose, or shortness of breath in the course of daily life, but it is necessary to do so. They might harm the lungs. A lung cleanse could make the lungs healthy and clean and help avoid future infections or lung diseases. Ayurveda advises people to have a balanced diet and often drink warm water to keep their lungs blossoming.

Symptoms of Lung Damage

  • Asthma
  • Shortness of breath
  • Severe cough and cold
  • Pneumonia
  • Coughing with blood and sputum
  • Decreased ability to exercise
  • Pain and discomfort while breathing

Causes of Lung Damage

Birla Ayurveda provides the best Ayurvedic treatment for lung cleansing. The treatment plan is decided upon examination by the doctor. Vaman therapy is provided for lung cleansing. It is the best lung detox for smokers. One of Ayurveda’s five Panchakarma therapies is Vaman. Vaman is a medical term for therapeutic vomiting, or emesis. It aims to remove the body’s excess Kapha Dosha, which is responsible for various illnesses including the common cold and cough. Since Kapha is located in the chest area and is particularly easy to expel via the oral route, the Vaman treatment is made to forcefully bring it from the extremities and other organs into the stomach before inducing vomiting.

After having the Vaman, many people report feeling lighter in the chest. People analyse things more effectively, which encourages good speech and hunger. After ingesting poison or acquiring food sickness, Vaman was supposedly administered in ancient times; in current science, this is now followed by stomach washing. Following Vaman, the sinuses are cleansed, which relieves congestion, wheezing, and shortness. It is a very effective treatment for psoriasis and other skin conditions including asthma. A decrease in weight, lipids and cholesterol can also be seen.

Ayurvedic Herbal Drinks

Eating appropriate foods is essential for promoting lung function recovery and improvement. The addition of specific items to the diet will enhance the body’s regular respiratory processes, according to the holistic science of Ayurveda. These herbal drinks are good home remedies for lung cleansing.

  • Turmeric Tea

Consuming turmeric tea on a daily basis helps to reduce inflammation in the airways. The beneficial properties of turmeric’s key ingredient, curcumin, help to naturally cleanse the lungs and remove pollutants from the body, boosting the immune system in the process. Drink this concoction with milk or water to ward against illnesses.

  • Peppermint Tea

The natural remedy for respiratory issues that has stood the test of time is mint. By removing mucus and reducing inflammation brought on by lung infections, peppermint tea’s medicinal components can treat sore throats.

  • Ginger Tea

Ginger tea is regarded highly for its potential anti-inflammatory effects that treat common colds and coughs and help the respiratory tract cleanse pollutants. Consuming ginger tea, which is high in potassium, magnesium, and zinc helps strengthen the immune system and fight seasonal infections and flu.


  • Davis
    Posted 30/04/2023 at 5:00 PM

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  • Post Author
    Birla Ayurveda
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  • Julie Maria
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