Compiled by Dr. Divya Naveen, BAMS
In the Ayurvedic classics, Sandhigata vata is described in a concise form. Clinically the description of Sandhigata vata explained in the classical texts is similar to the condition of Osteoarthritis in modern science. In old age, all Dhatus undergo Kshaya(degeneration), Thus leading to Vataprakopa and making individuals prone to many diseases. Among them, Sandhigatavata(osteoarthritis) stands top of the list. Having the symptoms like pain, swelling, crepitus, and restricted joint movements. Ayurveda highlighted degenerative diseases under the concepts like “Dhatu saithilyam” and “Dhatu kshayam”. Sandhigata Vata is one of such disease, which needs a specific target of therapeutic intervention to check or slow down the process of “Dhatu kshaya” and to pacify Vata. It limits everyday activities such as walking, dressing, bathing, etc., thus making individuals handicapped.
What Causes sandhigata vata?
Sandhigata vata is caused by the vitiation of Vata dosha in the body. Causative factors are as follows :
General causative factors are old age, Consumption of dry and cold foods, Irregular sleeping habits, Suppression of natural urges, Exposure to extremely cold and dry weather, etc,
Local causes are degeneration of cartilage due to aging, overstrain on joints, previous injuries, or inflammation to the joint.
What are the Common Symptoms?
- ✔ Stiffness in joints
- ✔ Swelling around the joint
- ✔ Tender and warm skin over the joint
- ✔ Crunching or cracking noises on movement
- ✔ Difficulty in movements
Ayurvedic Treatment for Sandhigata vata
Ayurvedic treatments of Osteoarthritis are not only prevent further deterioration but also rejuvenates the damaged cartilages.
Our treatment procedure starts with identifying the root cause (nidana) first, based on that the line of treatments is customized.
Depending on the conditions Customized treatments will have the following aspects
- ✔ Shodhana chikitsa/panchakarma(detoxification)
- ✔ Brumhana chikitsa(nourishing treatments)
Which includes external therapies like Abhyanga(oil application), swedana(sudation),Kayaseka, lepam etc., as well as internal medications like Maharasnadi kashayam,lakshadi guggulu, and single herbs like Aswagandha, guduchi, guggulu, asthisrunghala ete.
Varsha Ritu is the season in which Vata dosa is in Prakopa(aggravated) stage naturally and it aggravates vata predominant diseases like Sandhigata vata, Amavata etc. Thus Varsha Ritu is the best season to get treatments for all these diseases.
Diet and lifestyle regimen
- ✔ Warm water for drinking and bathing
- ✔ Sleep properly at night and avoid day sleep
- ✔ Proper evacuation of bowel
- ✔ Weight should be controlled
- ✔ Yoga and pranayama
Ideally, consult with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner to get proper treatment for the management of degenerative joint disorders.