It is a system of medicine established in ancient India to cure problems of the human body. Any Ayurvedic medicine aims to restore harmony in the body by bringing into balance the three entities of the human body together- the body, the spirit and the mind. Ayurvedic medicine is a chemical composition used to treat any irregularity in the body. Along with any Ayurvedic medicine, a healthy lifestyle reduces the chances of developing any disease.
It is important to know that Ayurvedic formulations have changed with time. Pharmaceutical industries have been producing newer formulations, amalgamating with the older Ayurvedic medicines and claiming that the newer ones are better than the older ones. To understand the difference between the newer composition and the new products, one needs to know about the older ones. Once we know about the classical drugs in Ayurvedic medicine and their benefits it would become easy for us to comprehend their usage.
Many Ayurvedic doctors
believe that the composition of Ayurvedic drugs used in treatments has not changed for a period of over three thousand years. They think that several things have changed with time from our ideas to concepts, classical drugs and other things but classical ayurvedic medicine ave stood the test of time.
About 400 classical preparations are using about 1500 herbal raw materials. They are broadly classified in different product categories as follows: Churans, Ras, Bhasam, Pisti, Kwath, Parpati, Guggal, Sindoor, Loh/Mandoor, Right. A handful of Ayurvedic Medicines are enough to manage and cure a wide range of diseases. Even if some practitioner decides to formulate a classical ayurvedic medicine not more than 25 to 30 formulations would be required to make that change.
Some of the Ayurvedic medicines by Birla Ayurveda that has a classical formulation and helps in boosting the immunity of the human body and preventing many diseases are as follows:
1. Dashamoola Jeerakaarishtam
Weight : 450ml
Overview : Acts as anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects promote the strength of bone and joints and improve digestion.
Benefits of Dashamoola Jeerakaarishtam :
- Dashamoola Jeerakaarishtam is an ayurvedic medicine made out of many extracted herbs.
- It is beneficial for many reasons, especially for preventing body pain and gas problems.
Direction of Use : 20 ml before the meal or as directed by an Ayurveda doctor.
Caution : Keep away from children.
2. Gandharvahasthadi Eranda Tailam
Weight : 200ml
Overview : Gandharvahastadi Eranda Tailam promotes natural toxin removal by helping the body to naturally detox.
Benefits of Gandharvahasthadi Eranda Tailam :
- It supports blood purification and skin health.
- It promotes digestive health by supporting regular bowel movements.
- It stimulates a healthy appetite and aids the body in producing the right immune response against the occasional inflammation.
- It encourages liver health by supporting regular functioning and eliminating occasional buildup and blockages.
Direction of Use : 5-10 drops once or twice a day or as directed by an Ayurveda doctor.
Caution : Keep away from children.
3. Thaaleesapathraadi Choornam
Weight : 50gm
Overview : Thaaleesapathraadi Choornam is used in the treatment of cold and cough.
Benefits of Thaaleesapathraadi Choornam :
- Helps to relieve the problems occurring due to dry cough-anorexia, chest pain, during coughing, dryness of throat, etc
Direction of Use : 1 teaspoon of Thaaleesapathraadi Choornam with honey twice daily, or as directed by an Ayurveda doctor.
Caution : Keep away from children.
4. Ashta Choornam
Weight : 50gm
Overview : It balances Vata and Kapha dosha and cures digestive tract problems.
Benefits of Ashta Choornam :
- The Ashta Choornam helps to relieve the indigestion process and gas.
- The choornam is a combination of many herbal ingredients.
- It is widely used to control gas problems in adults.
Direction of Use : 1-3gms or as directed by an Ayurveda doctor.
Caution : Keep away from children.
5. Chandanaasavam
Weight : 450ml
Overview : It has a cooling effect, balances body heat, acts as antimicrobial and antibacterial properties.
Benefits of Chandanaasavam :
- Chandanaasavam is an ayurvedic medicine made with herbs.
- It is excellent in calming and soothing the burning sensation due to excess pitta.
- It cools the body from burning sensation and inflammation.
Direction of Use : 1 to 2-table spoonful (15 to 30ml) with equal quantity of water after meals or as directed by an Ayurveda doctor.
Caution : Keep away from children.
There are many other Ayurvedic medicines that Birla Ayurveda caters to people. It has formulations that have enriched lives and continue to do so. With the growing awareness about Ayurvedic Medicine, these classical products have always served and helped people recover from any kind of uneasiness.
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nimai nanda